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Rediscovering My Country

Since I was a little girl, nestled in the pages of books by Dale Carnegie, Napoleon Hill, and Zig Ziglar, I’ve harbored a magnificent dream. It was a vision that stretched beyond the confines of my small, financially humble town—a dream to forge a business in the Land of Dreams, America. These authors sculpted my aspirations, teaching me to yearn for abundance, impact, and change despite my modest beginnings.

Fast forward through decades of dedication, and my American dream was vibrant and alive. Yet, life has a beautiful way of reshaping our dreams in ways we least expect. Approximately five and a half years ago, my husband and I decided to invest in the heart of my origins, Mexico, and buy a condo. This decision marked the beginning of a profound personal and cultural reawakening.

After 24 years in the United States, returning to Mexico was like stepping onto a foreign land; I had left at 14, and the connection to my homeland felt distant, almost alien, as an adult. I was unaware of the intricacies of its systems and the transformations that had taken place over time. This venture wasn’t just a financial investment; it was a leap into the unknown, a step towards rediscovering a heritage I had moved away from.

Magic in Surrendering

The most exquisite chapters of our lives can unfold from the very act of surrender. This surrender isn’t about giving up. It’s about pausing, peeling back the layers, and pondering the purpose of new experiences. The beauty lies in the unexpected, the unexplored, and the sheer magic that blooms from being open to life’s endless possibilities.

My journey, as a testament to the magic of surrendering, began somewhat unexpectedly during the pandemic. We received a call that our condo was ready, nudging us to make a trip in November 2020 to collect the keys and finalize the closing. What was intended to be a three-week stay turned into an adventure spanning almost four years—so far.

This twist of fate is a perfect example of the magic that surrendering can usher into your life. Originally, packing up and moving wasn’t on our agenda, but in aligning our energy with this new path and embracing the opportunity, we found ourselves living a dream we hadn’t planned—my American dream, with a delightful twist, in Mexico. It underscores the magic in surrendering and letting your life align with the energies of new beginnings and missions. Sometimes, the most profound growth and change come from the least expected places.

Rediscovering My Culture and Creativity

Rediscovering Mexico has been an odyssey of the heart and soul. I’ve had the immense privilege of reconnecting with the people, the colors, the land, and most importantly, the spirit of this country.

I found myself wandering through the vibrant streets of Mexico, each step a revelation of magic and beauty.

It was like awakening from a deep slumber, only to realize that the dream was my reality all along. Reconnecting with the people, savoring the exquisite flavors of traditional cuisine, and immersing myself in the profound sense of community felt like coming home.

This experience breathed life into the idea that sometimes, in the pursuit of finding ourselves, we must surrender to the path that life has laid out for us. This was not about letting go but actively engaging with and embracing my culture—a culture that, although inherently mine, felt new.

This rediscovery has not just been about reconnecting with my roots; it has been an enlightening journey of understanding what it means to lead with heart and passion. Mexico’s artistic ingenuity and vibrant culture have rejuvenated me and expanded my creative horizons.

A Culture Rich in Traditions

Mexico is a mosaic of traditions and customs, each more beautiful and profound than the last. The way people here celebrate life, honor their ancestors, and engage in spiritual practices has been awe-inspiring. These traditions have instilled in me a deep appreciation for cultural richness, and observing them firsthand has been nothing short of inspiring.

Compared to what I’ve observed in the United States, Mexico seems to be in a league of its own – a country brimming with culture, magic, and beauty. It’s fascinating how traditions here are not just practices but a way of life, enriching everyday existence with meaning and jubilation. This cultural richness fuels my excitement and happiness, pushing me to consider the traditions we could adopt.

So Many Beautiful Colors

The vibrancy of Mexico cannot be overstated. From the lively streets adorned with a kaleidoscope of colors to the breathtaking natural landscapes, every aspect of this country pulsates with life and creativity. The markets burst with fruits and vegetables in vivid reds, oranges, and greens, while the traditional crafts and textiles showcase intricate patterns in the most striking hues.

Even the everyday scenes—murals that tell stories of history and culture and festivals that celebrate life with an explosion of colors—are a testament to the rich, vibrant spirit that defines Mexico. Living here has transformed my perception of beauty and creativity. It’s as if the colors here have a life of their own, infusing energy and joy into every scene. The experience of seeing this spectrum of colors daily has rekindled my artistic passion and sparked new ideas.

The Abundance of Nature

The natural beauty of Mexico is unparalleled, offering a diverse palette of landscapes that speak to the soul. From the lush jungles teeming with life to the serene beaches that stretch endlessly along the coast, every corner of this country is a reminder of nature’s grandeur.

Living here, I’ve found myself enveloped in the generous arms of nature, whether it’s the soothing sound of the birds from my window, the rustle of leaves in a nearby forest, or the majestic views of mountains that greet me every day. Each sunrise and sunset paints the sky in hues nothing short of magical, making every moment spent in this natural haven a cherished experience.

This immersion in nature has been a testament to the balance and healing it brings to our lives. The connection to the earth here feels profound and grounding, offering a sanctuary from the hustle and bustle of daily life. Walking through the vibrant landscapes, breathing in the fresh, unpolluted air, and feeling the sun’s warmth on my skin has brought a deep appreciation for the simple joys of being in harmony with nature.

The Beauty of Kindness

The kindness I’ve encountered in Mexico goes beyond simple acts of generosity. It’s a foundational element of the culture, with daily greetings, shared meals, and open invitations to strangers that quickly turn into lasting friendships. It’s a neighbor offering a home-cooked meal, a local artisan sharing their craft, or someone lending a hand. It’s the genuine warmth and willingness to share with others. These types of kindness have made us feel welcomed and valued, turning unfamiliar places into homes and strangers into friends.

This genuine warmth and willingness to share with others have taught me valuable lessons about community and compassion. In Mexico, kindness is not just an occasional act but a way of life embedded in the very fabric of society. It has shown me the profound impact that small, thoughtful gestures can have on creating a supportive and loving community. The beauty of this kindness is its simplicity and sincerity, reminding us that at the heart of a vibrant community lies the genuine care and compassion we extend to one another.

The Ultimate in Work-Life Balance

Mexico has offered me a new perspective on work-life balance. Here, life moves at a different rhythm—one that values rest, family, and leisure without compromising diligence and ambition. The cultural emphasis on savoring meals, spending quality time with loved ones, and embracing the natural flow of the day has been a refreshing change.

This slower pace is a reminder that productivity and relaxation can coexist harmoniously, leading to a more fulfilling and enriched life. I’ve learned to prioritize what matters, making space for self-care and family time without feeling guilty or pressured to constantly be in work mode. This balance has enhanced my well-being and made me more productive and creative when I engage in work.

The Mexican approach to work-life balance, emphasizing enjoying life’s pleasures and valuing human connections, has been an invaluable lesson in creating a holistic and sustainable lifestyle.

I hope this journey through my rediscovery of Mexico inspires you to explore cultures that call to your heart. If you are yearning for a change, wondering about your place in the world, I encourage you to surrender to that curiosity. Invest time immersing yourself in new experiences, exploring different cultures, and finding the magic in your path, whether it leads you back home or somewhere new.


Jacqueline Ruiz is the CEO of JJR Marketing ( and Fig Factor Media LLC international book publishing company (, founder of The Fig Factor Foundation (, creator of Today’s Inspired Latina book series and international movement (, author of 33 books (, international speaker, and sports airplane pilot.  Jacqueline speaks to hundreds of audiences about marketing, servant leadership, finding your passion, and achieving success in business. She has addressed the United States Army, BP International, United Airlines, Allstate, and Farmers Insurance among other corporations to share her inspiration.
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