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Timeless Business Basics

In today’s business world, things move fast: trends come and go, social media algorithms change, new marketing techniques arise, etc. Many business owners are on the lookout for the next new thing they need to keep their business relevant and in demand. While all this is true, there are some business basics and principles that are just as powerful and will never go out of fashion.

Recently, I had an incredible meeting with someone I have known for more than a decade that resulted in a collaborative partnership on an amazing project. It dawned on me that after so many years of building this relationship, it was now stronger than ever. It made me realize that we had managed to stay in touch through a pathway I had created to stay connected. The trust and rapport I had built over time was very clear and a primary reason for our great relationship. I couldn’t help but think about the timeless habits that I  implemented then, and constantly use now. These business basics make a difference in my business, but my personal life too.

In-Person Connections

As our technology keeps evolving and our world becomes more digital, human interaction is dwindling. As business owners, we wear many hats and our time is often limited. Yet, I strongly believe that making time to have a personal, physical connection is the best way to build relationships and communicate certain information. Having an in-person meeting greatly diminishes the opportunity for misunderstandings. Both parties can speak up and clear any confusion if necessary, and things are less likely to be misinterpreted.  Of course, an in-person meeting isn’t always possible or practical, but if it can happen, take that route. Get to know the people you do business with and be authentically interested in their needs, not just your own agenda.

Powerful Phone Calls

Another business basic that is unquestionable is a good old-fashioned phone call. Phone calls are absolutely timeless. Although getting on the phone can seem unnecessary when we can just send a text or email, it is a great habit to cultivate. Text messages can get lost in translation and interpreted the wrong way. Emails can end up in a junk folder, never to be found or opened. A good phone call is a form of communication that will never be replaced because it’s the next best thing to an in-person meeting. Don’t underestimate the power of a phone call.

Follow up and Follow Through

Because communiques can get lost in between parties, a good rule of thumb is to always follow up and follow through. If you haven’t heard from the client, or a prospect, it’s important to follow up. Perhaps they had a busy week and left an email unread without responding. Following up shows a desire to get the answers you need and a commitment to the request. When people send you something, don’t leave them hanging and get back to them as soon as possible. People appreciate that you are on top of your projects and are doing what’s necessary to follow through with the plan discussed and agreed upon. As the saying goes, there is fortune in the follow up.  I couldn’t agree more.

Show Appreciation

Being in business for nearly 15 years  has also taught me that in order to build strong relationships, you have to nurture them with care. You must genuinely show appreciation and attention to the other party. I personally love to make my clients and business partners feel like I am truly here for them. If I know I have a meeting with someone coming up, I often think of a small present beforehand that I can bring them. It can be the smallest object, but I want to show them that I value our time together and I want to make sure they feel supported by me. In addition, sending thank you cards or a kind, handwritten message will never go out of style. This little habit is something I have developed to grow my relationships organically. It’s allowed me to connect with my clients and professional relationships in a more authentic way. In my lifetime, I have written over 1,000 thank you cards, and I can say it has made the difference because I truly am thankful and love to share that with others.

Always be Honest

I personally believe that whether or not you’re just starting out in business or you have been in business for years, having integrity and being honest is key. When you’re giving your clients an update or meeting with a new vendor and want to make a great impression, speaking with truth is extremely important. I know that sometimes it’s easy to embellish a message, especially if it’s not the best of news or if it gives a negative impression.  However, speaking with honesty and facing a challenge head on will never go out of style. Don’t be afraid of conflict; rather, face it with responsibility. This business basic is so simple, yet often overlooked when there are many things to juggle. However,  it’s one of the most important things you can do. People will appreciate your honesty and see that you manage your business with honor and are serious about creating lasting, respectable results.

There is a reason why the word timeless is used to define something that will never go out of fashion. In all industries and all levels of business, I believe these business basics I shared with you still make a positive impression today. I challenge you to never lose sight of the small things and implement these habits a bit more. I promise you they will lead to more successful business,  deeper relationships,  making a larger, overall  impact.


Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz is the CEO of JJR Marketing ( and Fig Factor Media LLC international book publishing company (, founder of The Fig Factor Foundation (, creator of Today’s Inspired Latina book series and international movement (, author of thirteen books (, international speaker, and pilot.  Jacqueline speaks to hundreds of audiences about marketing, servant leadership, finding your passion, and achieving success in business. She has addressed the United States Army, BP International, United Airlines, Allstate, and Farmers Insurance among other corporations to share her inspiration.
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