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Tips for Inspiring Productivity While Working from Home

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, it left many wondering how they were going to continue to manage their productivity while working from home. Like many others, I found it hard to accept what had become our “new reality.” I was frustrated and lacking motivation as I canceled trips and a cross-country airplane race. However, instead of looking at these changes negatively, I decided to use this time working from home as an opportunity to create, sparkle, and thrive. This shift in mindset helped me to find my passion, and ultimately, allowed me to understand the ways I am most productive.

Here’s what I learned along the way:

Make Time Work for You

One of the things that I absolutely love about working from home is the way it allows me to focus on my goals and objectives. I used to spend so much time getting ready, commuting, waiting for my clients, and in meetings. This often meant that I would have to return to the office and catch up on all of my action items from the day.

Now, I feel that I can truly focus on my action items, move projects forward, all without spending as many hours catching up. While you may already see working from home as an opportunity to wake up and jump right into work, think of the time you are gaining as an opportunity to drive forward those projects you have been wanting to get to.

Change Things Up

Think of working from home as an opportunity to be creative and find a space in your home that best works for you. I’ve found that working from home has allowed me to utilize different spaces. For example, one day, I might be working from my office, and the next, I might be working while standing at my kitchen counter. Through changing how I work each day, I have discovered new techniques that accelerate my productivity.

Stay Connected

One of the challenges of working from home is the distance it can create between coworkers. I missed seeing my team for our meeting and strategy sessions, but I have found instead a way to connect virtually through weekly “virtual innovation calls.” These weekly calls have brought us excitement and ideas that we otherwise would not have discussed before. It helped us to understand how others were innovating, and it has been one of the most amazing things we have done to stay refreshed.  Instead of being discouraged by the distance, think of reaching out as an opportunity to inspire productivity in each other.

Manage Tasks

Working from home introduces more opportunities for distractions. It can be tempting to fit in things like chores around the house while you’re supposed to be working, but I have found that managing these tasks alongside work itself has helped me to focus on what is most important at the moment. I often set timers on my phone in increments of 20 minutes and 7 seconds (I add 7 seconds to make it special), and that helps me focus on the task at hand. I often use this strategy for doing things like working on projects, doing the dishes, and eating. While working from home may seem intimidating and can challenge productivity, like in aviation, remember to “zoom in” to do the work and “zoom out” to see the progress of your goals and magic!


Jacqueline Camacho-Ruiz is the CEO of JJR Marketing ( and Fig Factor Media LLC international book publishing company (, founder of The Fig Factor Foundation (, creator of Today’s Inspired Latina book series and international movement (, author of thirteen books (, international speaker, and pilot.  Jacqueline speaks to hundreds of audiences about marketing, servant leadership, finding your passion, and achieving success in business. She has addressed the United States Army, BP International, United Airlines, Allstate, and Farmers Insurance among other corporations to share her inspiration.
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